Tuesday 17 July 2012

About this blog

I'm starting this blog because many times I come home and tell my dad about how crazy my school is. Today he told me, "why don't you start a blog". He told me about a girl that had some really rubbish school dinners, so everyday she took a picture of her dinner and posted it on a blog. Slowly, the blog became world famous and was even linked onto the BBC website. People from America and Japan started emailing her as well as famous chefs. I'm hoping that one day someone in charge at Leytonstone School comes across my blog and sees how life really is for students, and tries to make some massive changes to the school to improve it. I've tried speaking to my teachers, and it is absolutely pointless talking to my head of year as she is useless and never acts on what I say, so this blog will be a good way for me to vent my frustration. I hope you enjoy reading this blog, and I hope that it makes a difference!

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